Deadline for application: 30th of September end of day.









About the Competition

Calling out to all the innovators out there! If you are a university student or a fresh grad with an innovative idea related to economic empowerment, gender equality, mental health and well-being or environmental impact and sustainability, get ready to take your idea to the next level!

We’re launching the first round of our Routes competition across Egypt. 3 teams will be awarded the total prizes of 10,000 EGP each along with free consultation sessions worth 15000 each to develop their projects into viable solutions further and getting exposed to the ecosystem, network and gain experience through events.

The first round of Routes Competitions will be focused on SDG 1, 3, 5,6,8,12,13,14 and 15



















Through Routes competition, The Community Hub aims to support university students with impact-driven ideas in Egypt. The ideas should focus on supporting Gender equality, economic empowerment, mental health, and well-being or impact and sustainability by:

  • Increasing the ecosystem’s consciousness about the mental health of entrepreneurs and employees. Increasing consciousness and awareness of the mental health and well-being of entrepreneurs and employees within the ecosystem.
  • Increasing opportunities, resources, and skills for women and young adults.
  • Helping in the creation of an environment that enables and reinforces women and youth leadership, workplace safety, gender inclusivity, and increased well-being and quality of life.
  • Directing community consciousness towards the environment and climate crisis, and creating tangible outcomes/ solutions.
Through Routes, The Community Hub aims to gain a better insight into the needs of students who want to start their own businesses, and the available resources for them to do so, as well as the key actors who play an essential role in building their capacities and providing them with the tools to develop their skills and gain experience to take on the journey of entrepreneurship.

Competition Process and Planning

Step 1: Application

The deadline for applications is on 30th September 2022 end of the day (11:59 pm).

Step 2: Selection

A first shortlist of 10 teams will be announced.

Step 3: Info sessions and Pitch day

After the selection of 10 final teams, they will be provided with technical support from the first week of October to the first week of November 2022 before the pitching day.

Step 4: Pitch Day

Winners will be announced during the first or second week of November 2022 after which grant contracts will be processed.

Step 5: Implementation

The Top 3 Winning Projects that will be announced on the pitching day can start implementation of the projects in November 2022 where the consultation sessions start.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants have to apply in teams consisting of 3 - 5 members, if you are not in a team and you want to join/form a team we will have a matchmaking option.

  • Applicants have to be university students or fresh graduates (graduates within 2 years) in Egypt.

  • Equal gender representation in the team.

  • The submitted idea should meet the requirements of an “impact-driven solution” namely:
      i) it has ‘impact’ as its mission or key driver.
      ii) the business idea resolves a societal issue, not through charity, but through their business model to sustain it.

  • The submitted solutions or business ideas should be inclusive of one of the main tracks (Gender equality, economic empowerment, mental health and wellbeing, or Impact, and sustainability).

Assessment criteria (applicant is scored on this):

Social/environmental impact of the idea(40%):
The submitted business idea has a clear vision and strategy for social, economic, and environmental impact.

Feasibility and relevance of the idea (30%):
The proposed idea is described clearly and is relevant to the market need. It is viable and feasible to implement the project.

Strength of team(30%):
The team has the qualifications and experience to manage and implement the project successfully.
Motivation and ideas are clearly communicated.
The team has unquestionable integrity.
The team has equal gender representation.
The team has diverse experiences.


The 3 winning teams will be awarded 10,000 EGP each.

The 3 winning teams will also be awarded with free consultations sessions worth 15,000 EGP each to develop their projects into viable solutions further.

Getting exposed to the ecosystem, network and gain experience through events.

Get ready to take your idea to the next level!